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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

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I was almost 45 years of age when I came to the knowledge of God and the work that His son, our Lord, Jesus Christ, had accomplished on behalf of all mankind and I realized what a fool I had been, living life, my way.

I came upon that verse in Acts (1:8) where we discover Jesus saying, "... you shal receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be My witnesses..." wherever you will find yourself (my interpretation of the last portion of that verse). I decided there and then to do just that - to be a witness of the reality of Jesus Christ in my life, as I passed along the way. It will soon be 34 years and i discover, I am among my fellow travelers, a blessed man. Life has become - as Peter suggested, " unspeakable and full of glory". (Chapter I, verse 1:8 - coincidence? I don't think so)

In my earllier years, I was faithful church goer - I was married in church, my children were baptized in church, I served on various boards and commissions, but all of that came to naught, compared to the thrills that come as Jesus became my confidant in what some have suggested is an unGodly world. It is not. There are ungodly others to be sure, but they are merely disoriented folks, in their heart of hearts, longing to know of all that God has prepared for each one of this.

Therein lies our responsibility, to be a witness of the truth that has been revealed through His life.


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