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How do I share what I know, believe, and have experienced in the Spirit, without offending others or being judged as boastful?

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Lk 8:10 ..."The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that,
"'though seeing, they may not see;
though hearing, they may not understand.'  NIV

       Interesting how this is worded.  Knowledge is a great gift. a gift that all mankind has taken of. They see (know) they hear (know) but of course do not understand. They have knowledge yet no knowing.  Without a blend of the other gifts- discernment, love wisdom etc.  the knowledge is nothing more than words and ideas. As Adam discovered a curse.  

        I really do not know why we most define everything yet I guess it helps in the learning process. Knowledge to me is simply a knowing. A knowing with peace confidence and boldness. It is a knowing that has no turning back. That to me is the gift of  Knowledge from/of God.


From the first time I shared a Word to someone, (that couple I spoke about) I knew only to tell them, "yes, go ahead with the plans, God will Bless you in them."  I knew nothing about what it meant past that.  Over the years I have shared hundreds of times with others.  Some of those times where just as I spoke to them in conversation.  I would hear what I was saying and be WOW do you just hear that?  I have always stressed with people when I gave them a specific Word, it Must Be a Confirmation to them.  Or, just hold on to it until you receive a confirmation.  I believe when we hear a Word, our spirits will confirm that Word.  Maybe they had already heard the Spirit tell them, things like that.

I know after I had been operating for a while in this, many people would be afraid I was "reading their mail" (their minds).  I do not do that.  However, what I have seen when some flow in the Spiritual things, they may have skills that appear they can.  I have always been able to read people, their body, how they say things.  As they say 97% of our communication is unspoken.  Not to go all Star Wars but their is a dark side to these things. As I had shared earlier "forbidden arts."  Enough on that,

This is why I stress Words shared should be confirmed.  This happen in different ways.  God knows where we are and He is able to confirm Words so people know right from wrong.  I do have times that I just "know things about others."   I have always just taken that as how to Pray for someone.  

I have been called and confirmed as a prophet as I have said.  But, that was the first reason I ran for awhile.  I felt I would let God down, so as Jonah I fled.  As I came back into who I am, I see myself as only a mouthpiece for God, nothing else.  I take every Word I share with another as Holy and a Responsibility I am held to.  So to me it is Sacred, not me just what He wants others to know.

Will try to share more later. Or if any have questions i will try to answer them.  Hope this clears so things up.


What is the purpose of a prophet? Do you feel sharing personal words with people is part of that office? Again, I thank you for sharing your personal experience. I know that is difficult but  the body of Christ will benefit. You are a blessing. You are my brother. As a brother, I have a few other questions. I notice that you capitalize the word "words" you speak to others. Are you equating those words to the Word of God? Or, do you feel your words to others are subject to the Word of God? I am confident you feel your words are subject to the Word. I was just curious why you capitalized them. I noticed you capitalized the words that apparently refer to others personal words. When you do that, it will give some the idea that the personal words spoken to individuals are equal to the Word of God. Do you feel that strongly about these personal words?I know I have had personal words spoken to me. I noticed some were pretty far off but just thanked the individual and went on.

What is the method you use to share these personal words? Do some just thank you for your prayers, etc." Or, do all say with jubilance that you spoke directly to a need of theirs?

In your church, do you have several operating in this gift? You say that you have the ability to read people. Does that ever enter in when you give a persoan word to people? I have asked enough questions for now. Thanks for sharing.

Again, the minute I am told to be quiet, I will do so. I will never question the Holy Spirit. If I am doing that I ask forgiveness from the throne of God's grace.

Blessings from your brother


    I have been waiting for that question about why I capitalize certain words.  My feeling is when I share something from the Spirit; from God which to me are the same.  Then they have far more importance than anything that may come from me.  

Yes, I believe as a prophet I am sharing Words to individual people as well as a Church body.  I see myself a only a conduit if you will.  I do not believe I am better than another, or should be given special treatment.  As I have said, "I share what should be confirmation, or held onto until it is confirmed in others ways.  Many times I am just given a Word about another, as before the first time I was mowing my parents lawn.  I was Praying/Praising at the time.  Many times I am just talking to people, and His Wisdom flows through.  I am Blessed and Impressed when I hear what is being said, even though I feel no difference in myself.  I just know when i hear Wisdom, and I know I am not that smart.

When I share and it is a confirmation to another, almost always the Joy I see in them is clear.  When I share and it is not what they might want to hear, most times they already know (confirmation) but they hoped for a different answer.  When I share and I know it is something new, I tell them to holds on to it, wait for confirmation, if they do not receive any then let it go.

At the moment I do not attend a Church, many reasons do really want to explain now, more cause it is a long story.  Some of our kids of to a Church, we went a few times.  And, have been invited to a few one I am Praying about going.

My ability to read people I have always had, and was refined because I stuttered. So I learn how to listen.  To that point I have seen many people who lean to the spiritual side of things, it can be used by the enemy.  So it is important to stay humbled and obedient to Holy Ghost, or many problems arise.  As we both have seen.  We must be sensitive to operate in the Spirit, but not of our own ability but through Faith in Him not self.  

When the Word to someone is Yes or No.  Or, when it is an answer that needs a longer response, it is hard to say, "here right in the Word it say this."  But, if it is a Word to the entire Church, or a person about subjects, they can and are linked to the Word of God.  I have said many times, I believe in the Spirit of the Word not always the letter.  But, that does not give a person the right to go willie nillie, or off the true meaning of the Word.  It must be based and back up by the Word.  To edify others, to Glorify the Lord never self.  

When I was younger I did at times get puffed up a time or two.  Then I got HUMBLED many times.  Actually, so many that I began to see the benefit in getting humbled and staying humble.  I only see myself a part of the Body.  Many times I have said, "I am part of the little toe on the left side."

No, please never feel you cannot ask me questions.  If what I say is true, I Trust in the Spirit I will be able to answer.  But, if I get in the way and you need more clarification do not hesitate to ask.  I have seen many that have turned the things I speak about into personal gain, and harmful effects on others.

In His Love



I am asking if you equate the words you give to others with the Word of God. Sometimes I sense that people do put the words they believe comes from the Holy Spirit on the same level as the Holy Bible. If you believe that what you say must be confirmed with Scripture then it would not be on the same level. Peter wrote that the letters Paul wrote were equal with the Word of God. How do you feel about the words you speak that are from God?

The Word of God was completed almost 2000 years ago. The Revelation has been given. Chris, do you believe there is new revelation? My question is: do you believe that God has restored to the church the office of the apostle and prophet? If so, do they have new revelation from God? These are very difficult and controversial questions and I notice that no one is asking them.

I think I am hearing you say that as a prophet you are sharing the very words of God. I will have to be honest with you. I could not accept that position. Again, I am willing to not comment on your group. I see that not many are because it is getting difficult. Maybe we should not tackle this. I am certainly open to LT in this matter for wisdom and advice. I really struggle when people claim to be speaking words of God. I believe the Revelation of Jesus Christ is complete and that now He empowers us to know and to share that Revelation with others.

You mention that you were ready for my question about capitalizing your words. You are probably prepared for this question as well. I doubt seriously that AAG will condone the idea that there is new revelation available today through apostles and prophets. I know I do not accept that position. I think one should be very careful with the idea of the restoration of those offices.

However, I will still be your brother as I do not really believe you believe these are the words of God. ;)


    I shared in a different place some of my answers to this question.  My position is this.  I believe God will meet His Children where they are.  If one is having a difficult time with a subject, a verse or something else.  And, one is yielded to the Spirit and obedient  to the Word of God, is it wrong to shed Light on those things?  That is not exactingly what I mean by a prophet, yet when I am lead to that person and shed Light on the very thing they were struggling with.  Having no idea they were having a struggle, what is that called?  If i am sent to tell another yes or no, when I share a Word that edifies, or for whatever  reason what is that?  

When anyone tells me when Jesus is coming, I pay no attention to them.  God the Father is the only One Who Knows that time.  We are to conduct ourselves as if it is right now.  I have never sought glory or felt better than another.  At times the opposite would be more true.  I would never share a Word that would want people to look and follow me.  I have Always respected the Pastor.  The Church he is over are his sheep, not mine.  If he does not know me I have never given a Word.  If I felt lead to, I have known before and have written it down for them to check out and give me permission.  

The Word is complete, yet one does not understand all is meaning from one reading.  We may see one thing, than the next time another.  As we mature we see deeper meanings from that same verse.  There will Never Be a book of Chris.  Yet, I have no desire for attention.  Yet, when I am lead I will obey.  I feel I have choice, yet have a responsibility.  1Cor 14:32 For the spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet,.  So yes I do have a choice.  I can start, stop, and start again.  I can hold the Word for later.

 My desire is to help nothing more or less.  If you knew how much I fought the Spirit over this very thing.  I did not ask for it, did not want to do it, I felt I would let God or a Child of His down.  It is a difficult thing at times to do.  At times it feels like I am stepping not just on a limb, but off the limb and stepping out on the air in Faith.  

Amen we will Always be Brothers, from now and forever that is the Coolest thing of ALL.

By the way, Chris, you are very brave putting yourself out there. You are a prime example of openness and honesty. You willingness to share is very valuable to the body. Anyone that shares is going to get knocked around a little. Yet, if we are not willing to put our views out there, we will never know if they really work or not. I really appreciate your sharing and honesty. I could see that my views might be slightly different and thought it would be better for me to not comment. I still wonder if I am doing more harm than good. I do have a great amount of experience with the Charismatics and Pentecostals. I have seen how easy it is for some to get way off base. Please let me know if you feel I am a detriment to your group.

Bless you Brother

    No the last thing i want is for you to leave.  When you have been around these things long enough, as you more than me, but we both have seen how some/many misuse the Freedom.  I have always respected you as a Prayer Warrior.  And, in this area I believe you have much to share and add.  I want to answer the other questions more, but I lack time right now.  I just saw this and wanted to make sure you knew how I felt.

Love You Brother


Thanks brother./:~)

I am in full agreement with you Roy, I don't believe a lot of are up to answering a lot of this , I have followed all the
Comment's ,Im just not agreeing with a lot that is being said, so I rather not ask , anything.I do respect the things
You are saying Chris, I'm just questionable about a lot of areas,

Has God restored the office of the Apostle and Prophets? If so, then, when one came around the rest of us would have to be silent and listen to them for they would carry great authority as the Apostle Paul did with his Letters and ministry. For me, the answer to this question has to do with the Word. Is it complete or is there more revelation to be given? Many in the modern Charismatic church feel there is more revelation being given. I personally witnessed a meeting with an apostle in which I was very silent and receptive. He spoke (some will recognize him) with authority. He was a missionary who received a mighty vision from the Lord. He either died or went into a trance for several days in which time he went to heaven and spoke with Jesus. I was young at the time and was very impressed with the stories of the miracles in the jungles that had happened in his ministry.

His testimony of his time with Jesus told of many things. I do not know if he went to heaven or not but one of the things he testified of was that Jesus told him he would not die before he returned. At the time I heard him, I think he was around 70. I accepted that as true and proceeded to tell my church to get ready for the coming of Christ.

That was back in the 70's. The man was very charismatic and loved by everyone. Yet, he died many years ago and still no appearance of our Lord. I heard the man with my own ears. I am not making this up. Others have come claiming to be prophets and predicting certain events including when Jesus would come. Oral Roberts prophesied that God had told him that people were to give many millions of dollars to complete the hospital on his college campus or that He would take his life. The hospital was completed but soon after closed due to lack of funds. I think that today the complex is an office building.

These were the kind of men that I sincerely looked up to as a child and young preacher. I believed in prophecies and those who claimed to be prophets. As I grew older I began to change my thinking. These men promised healings that they could not produce. They prophesied events that did not take place.

I am no authority on what Jesus is doing in His church. I will never make a claim about having a gift or anything of that sort. I am absolutely respectful of my Lord and His church. I would never mock anything that He did. Yet, we must be realistic as well. Did Jesus tell this man that He would return before his death? Did the man really go to heaven?

Recently I attended a service where a prophet was ministering and, of course, the word went out for people to come and be healed. A lady came in a wheelchair. She left in a wheelchair having been told that the reason she could not be healed was simply because she had unforgiveness in her heart. I don't find one instance of anything like that in the Bible.

What is Jesus doing with His church. Is He giving new revelation by His Spirit. Most of the non-Pentecostal church would say that He is not. I am not even sure if we should discuss this issue on AAG. Is this too difficult of a subject for our members? Whether or not Jesus is restoring these offices to the church is pretty controversial.

Chris, you say you are definitely a prophet. I asked you to define what you meant by that. I walked away from all this business at one time but love my Pentecostal/Charismatic friends. I know so little. When I said I would like to have the gift of knowledge, these are the kinds of things I want to know. Yet, I know I will challenge many things. That is just my nature. I challenged my denomination's position of tongues, sin, and other areas and was dismissed. I do not want to be dismissed from AAG. I love the people and I love you.

I love His Word. I believe it is complete. If I am wrong, I pray for forgiveness for even suggesting it is complete. I am not an apostle or prophet. I do not claim to carry any authority. The absolute authority for me is the Word. That is why I ask you to confirm these claims of personal words by His Word.

Blessings to you my brother -

Roy, I have always been taught that there are no more apostles -- that Paul was only "one born out of due time." (1 Cor 15:8).

As for Prophet. I have been taught two different things: 1) that the Prophets ended with John and the last book in the NT, Revelation;  2) that the gifts in Romans 12 are The Prophet, The Server, The Teacher, The Exhorter, The Giver, The Ruler, The Mercy Gift -- these are the 7 spiritual gifts. There are other gifts called ministry gifts, in 1 Cor 12:27-28;  Eph 4:11-13. These are all the Work of the Holy Spirit and most definitely the work of the Holy Spirit is found in 1 Cor 12:7-11. Spirit working through people. If one is called to be a prophet that person will most definitely be a preacher of the Word of God (the Written Word) because the calling is a gift of Christ (the Living Word) to the Body for the perfecting and maturing of believers. This is what every prophet did in Scriptures. They quoted what Scriptures they already had and then shared the Word of the Lord regarding the present situation.

I am not sure if either of these offices exist today -- apostle and prophet. If we believe all the gifts exist, then we must accept that the gift of prophecy exists. But how do we define the meaning of that gift? Will that prophet give new revelation or just enlighten us and help us understand what God has already revealed through creation, our conscience, Jesus, and the Bible?

I believe the gift is to enlighten the Body regarding revelation already given to us. I am still learning. I know I could be wrong.

Yet, I also believe that God does speak to His children. I believe God speaks to us through the Scriptures. I believe God speaks to us through the counsel of His ministers and His people, who will share their knowledge and understanding of Scriptures with us and show us the truth of the gospel. I also think Jesus will speak to us in our hearts. What I mean by that is when I sin I will think thoughts of conviction. When I am discouraged thoughts of comfort will come to mind. I struggle with knowing how much of that is God or is just my own thinking. I know condemning thoughts are most likely my own thinking. If I suddenly am reminded of a Scripture that I have not even read in awhile, I know that is God reminding me of it. That is a thought coming from God. Many people say thay have dreams and visions. The Bible has examples of people having dreams and God talking to them in dreams. Joseph did regarding Mary, the mother of Jesus. Paul had a vision in Acts 18:9. God was comforting Paul and reassuring him. Will God respond to us in the same way today? Good question. I believe yes.

I have been wondering if God speaks to us through circumstances, too. I believe God speaks to us through Scriptures, through nature, through the wise biblical counsel of others, and in our hearts, comforting, encouraging us, reminding us of Scriptures, guiding us, just as Jesus said the Holy Spirit would come and do for us.

I am wondering about circumstances. I think maybe yes, God does speak to us in our circumstances, too, like when we find ourselves having trouble with relationships or sick with an illness.

Just throwing some things out there at you. I think it is difficult for people to discern how much of what is going through their minds is really God and how much of it is really just them. I am always asking myself is that a Jesus thought or an Amanda thought. One day I hope to reach the point where it is all Jesus. Such a long way to go.

BTW, I have no idea what my gifts are. I used to think I had the gift of mercy and God was able to use me because of it to help others who were sick, elderly, dying. I did pray for the gift of knowledge right after I was saved at age 16. I have no idea if I ever received that gift but what I did receive was a great thirst and love for the Word of God and I love to read it and study it.




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