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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Hypothetical: You're a volunteer that welcomes new people to your church, which is missionally-minded, evangelical, and holds to the traditional beliefs of historical biblical Christianity.  An explorer of Christianity, who is gay, inquires about their exploration of Christ and wants to keep coming back to learn more but wonders if the church will accept them given their lifestyle.  Do you?

1)  Let them know in no uncertain terms that homosexuality is wrong and sinful.  They are welcome to seek out Christianity but better be prepared to change.

2)  Indicate that the church welcomes and accepts seekers from all walks of life.  After all, Jesus said come as you are.  But you make it clear where the church stands on Christianity.

3)  Encourage them to keep coming and inquiring, letting them know that they will be loved regardless.  While the church does not approve of a homosexual lifestyle, you keep that under wraps and just pray that they will be found in Christ and that Christ will change their hearts.

4)  Send them to the pastor or elders.

5)  Tell them to leave, to not return, and to explore Christianity elsewhere.

Would your answer change if the person indicates they are a homosexual Christian looking for a new place to worship?

Please stay on topic and  provide scriptural references to support your reasoning.  Thank you.

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Sexuality matters to God so it "should" matter to us.  Not affecting our love for the individual and welcoming them in, but in giving them the truth of God's Word and standing firm on our belief that it is sin, yes.

Thank you for adding your insight.  Without a doubt, we want to follow the biblical examples how Jesus reacted/responded to sinners--particularly those caught in the act. Two that come to mind: Jesus' encounters with the Samaritan woman at the well and the woman caught in the act of adultery.


I've embellished the hypothetical somewhat in a more recent posting.  I'd be interested to read your thoughts (as well as those of others) in response.

You mean standing firm in your belief that it is a sin? I can't comment further on my views because it is against the sites statement of faith.

No, standing firm in the WORD.  If you believe the same WORD I believe then there is no way you can justify it as not being a sin.  Jesus spoke in many parables, but on this issue the Bible is VERY clear with no room for interpretation.  Many passages tell of man and WOMAN...of husband/wives, of being fruitful and multiplying...all of which point to man/woman, not man/man or woman/woman.  Many passages also say if you see a brother sinning, you're to confront him.  So that said, here is what it says specifically on this issue with NO wiggle room.  I believe in scripture.

Leviticus 20:13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,

1 Timothy 1:10 The sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine,

Leviticus 18:22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

Romans 1:26-28 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

By the way Grazer, I still say we love them, show them love, welcome them, but we do NOT condone homosexuality if we truly believe scripture.  We do not pardon it and tell them it is ok if they're born that way.  We tell them the is a sin.  Getting irritated with people or angry, etc., can all be sins, yet we ALL fall prey to them at times.  That is why we love them and yet still let them know it's sin and they should WANT to turn from it.  If they don't want to, then they don't want to obey the Word and as Romans 1:28 says:  And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.

I say this to you in love as well, please do not be deceived.  Study the scriptures on this.  There is no wiggle room, no parables, no interpretation on this being sinful and unnatural, not as God intended.  To justify it is to be deceived.   There are things I know I'm deceived on, but this is not one of them hon.  Sorry, but there is NO justification for it to anyone who stands upon the Word.

Hi Colby,

This is a hot-button issue just simmering to get hotter as time  goes by.


Our little independent Christian church subscribes to door #2.......leaving the door ajar with #1.

We had a lesbian lady attending a few years ago. If she had a partner, we never saw her. Nice wife and I visited her a couple times at her apartment. She left the state after coming to our services for about 6 months.

However.......if a s-s couple came in to push their agenda, they would be asked to leave. This would be on the basis that we  believe the Bible to be the true Word of God, and it is our framework  in living His will and way for our church and lives. And God's word is clear in His abomination of homosexuality (I don't use the word gay that was changed from its original meaning).


We still have the freedom to follow God's word.........until the government  make's it some kind of "hate crime". 


Grace and Peace.




Thank you--not only for your thoughtful response, but for staying on point.  

Let me add to the hypothetical situation.  Suppose this gay or lesbian person is struggling with their homosexuality.   They are not militantly championing the "gay agenda" or "homosexual lifestyle." On the contrary, having read God's Word, they believe that homosexual acts are sinful. Yet, they find the urges extremely difficult to resist. 


Earlier in their life, they regularly attended a Christian church.  But they felt that all their church did was preach against sin while not offering any support to those struggling with same-sex attraction.  Even after they came to profess faith in Christ, gushingly--in tearful and heartfelt response to an altar call and were baptized afterward--the sinful sexual urges did not go away or diminish.  Later, profoundly disillusioned, they quit the church.  


Recently, they decided to give it another chance.  At several other Christian churches they've checked out previously, they were told upfront in no uncertain terms: Homosexuality is an "abomination" before God and that "Jesus loves sinners."  


This was received as a mixed message: equal parts of confrontation and comfort.  While it was delivered with good intentions, they felt that the subtext was "you're worthless.  You're scum."  So they never returned.


This is their first visit to your church.  


1)  How is the message that you're giving them any different from (or is it?) that of other Christian churches where they felt unwelcome after being told "God hates the sin but loves the sinner?"


2)  Knowing the people and resources available to your church, can it realistically provide the support this gay or lesbian person needs to contain or overcome same-sex attraction?


3)  Considering the additional details provided, would you be inclined to send them on their way--suggesting that they find a different church home?

Not another church home but try to help them find a Christian person who has been set free from the sin of homosexuality .Some one who will no doubt understand what they are dealing with.  I used to know of a website that had many testimonies of people who were once homosexual but when they turned their life to God , God helped them turn from it. 


Colby I wont say who but I know someone whom I love very much who may be homosexual... .. I appreciate you bringing this topic out in the open. Thank you

Good word.  There are various para-church ministries that help people who are struggling with homosexuality, including Exodus and Genesis Counseling (to name a few).   Their stance is that with therapeutic intervention and counseling, same-sex attraction can be overcome if not controlled.  I should add that I'm not familiar enough with either ministry to endorse them, but they are well known and so I have mentioned them.


Not all churches today, of course, adhere to biblical standards of sexual morality.  They are fast becoming part of the modern, consumer-driven, increasingly culturally-permissive Christian marketplace.  The biggest point of division within the church today is over the authority of the Bible and whether its moral precepts are timeless and universal.  Some prominent mainline denominations have done so, including ordination of openly gay and lesbian clergy, or there are associations/groupings of congregations within such denominations that have done so.

Examples include churches that call themselves "open and affirming," "inclusive," and which "embrace diversity."  Translation: LGBT (lesbian/gay/bisexual/transsexual or transgendered) persons are "welcome in the full life and ministry of the church."

Alan Chambers closed down Exodus International and said "in 99.99% of cases, the person did not change their sexual orientation" Again, I cannot say more due to being in breach of the terms of the site.

Philippians 4:13

King James Version (KJV)

13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.


Matthew 19:26

King James Version (KJV)

26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible


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