All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

To the people of this community, my name is Yuriko and I am 19 yrs old. I am born in a Catholic family of 5 members in the Philippines.


I love my family and I would do anything to keep my family together. Recently I have been given a sign by God to change for the better. I read a testimony of this girl from Ecuador (I guess most of you read this already), and the thing that struck me was not that she saw both heaven and hell but what Jesus told her to tell humanity to change and to come back to him, to follow the old ways of his chosen people.


It was sad to know that our Father weeped for what humanity has become. That's why I wanted to make a change not only for myself but for the ones I love, especially my family. I want them to know God's message for us to change and repent for our sins.


My father is a kind and funny man, he makes me laugh even when I am down, he forgives and tries to keep our family together. My mother is a beautiful woman with a good sense of humor and beautiful voice, she helped me grow up to be a proper lady (I'm still adjusting to that until now) and taught me and siblings how to sing since we were young. My sister who is also beautiful younger than me by a year and a half, she excels a lot in photography and singing, she can make friends with a lot of people easier than me and is fun to be with. My little brother the man of the house next to my father, he is a bit mature compared to his age but he still has that little boy in him, he plays the guitar and enjoys sports.


I lived with them since the very beginning and we all have our ups and downs. That's why I would do everything to keep us together (maybe not physically but emotionally and spiritually connected) even until our very last breath.


Slowly I am getting away from the temptations that I have become accustomed to in the past and I am changing myself to become a better person for God. 


The reason I am posting this my fellow brothers and sisters, is for you to help me spread the word of God to my family and love ones and to make them see and feel what our God has gone through to save us from sin and hopefully make them see how to change themselves for the better of our holy community.


I ask for God's guidance and also your guidance my brothers and sisters to help me in my mission of spreading this word. I am still new at this since I am starting all-over again.


God bless you and thank you for taking your time into reading this.

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Thank you for sharing your story. I enjoyed reading your post. I will ask the following not to offend you, but simply to know. Are you born again (John 3)? One must be born again to be in Christ. We must repent of our sins and believe that Jesus is who He claimed to be. Again - I am not asking the question because I think you are not a saved. I am simply asking because I am being led by the Spirit of God to do so. I know you want your family and friends to repent and believe in Christ, which most likely means that you are born again and please do not let my inquiry make you question the validity of your relationship with the Lord, I simply would like to know.


The way you impact your family, friends, coworkers, neighbors etc... is by living Christ like. This is the fastest and most effective way to evangelize our love ones. We cannot earn God's grace nor are our works meritorious unto salvation. In other words, our good deeds do not save us. It is Grace and grace alone which rescues us from a blind and lost state. our works are an outcome of that precious saving grace. Faith without works is dead, but the works are an automatic response to the new creation we become, when we are born again. I am telling you all this because many believe that is our works that is key to salvation and that sets us up for all kinds of trouble. Our work are essential but not to be saved, but so we can be personally assured that we are saved.


Love and blessings to you and your family. 

Thank you David for finding my post enjoyable. To answer your question, I am not a born again but a Catholic since birth. I have been given a sign by God to change and repent for my ways and I am thankful for giving me such guidance and blessings. I am still on the process of living a good life under his guidance. Slowly and hopefully I can live that good life along with my family.


Thank you and God bless you.


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