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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

We often see people existing in one extreme or another. There are some who would ignore doctrine for the sake of unity, but can there really be unity in the body if doctrine (teaching found in God's Word) is ignored? There is another group that has taken mere prefernces and elevated them to the level of doctrine, at least in their teaching. An example of this can be the style of worship. Some are more demonstrative than others, but neither is wrong if the heart is right. Style of worship is a preference, not a doctrine.


What do you think about the importance of sound doctrine in one's life and in the church? Have you seen things that are preferences turned into doctrine? If so, give an example, but leave names and organization names out of the comment. How do we stay centered on Christ in the midst of the chaos?


Lord Bless,




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1Tim 1:3-4 When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth. Don’t let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees. These things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don’t help people live a life of faith in God.  I see doctrine as the True Word of God.  We know that doctrine edifies one to live a life in Faith.  Roy I do not quite understand the first part of you question.  But, the second part that is what I meant by Leadership who operate in the Authority of the Spirit of God.  What I am pointing to does build Faith.  As all the verses about tongues and prophecy, spell out many things about Faith.  

And to know if someone is in the flesh, it helps to be gifted in that area.  But, it also must line up with the Word of God.  The Word even some hard Word will always edify, never tear down, etc.  To know the Spirit of the Word, when you hear a false word, you know it right away.  It does not set well with your spirit.

Lt let me know if I gotten off doctrine.  I believe the gifts of Holy Spirit build one Faith.  If I am in error let me know.

 Lord Bless you Roy and Lt 


I think that if we make certain beliefs a part of our doctrinal statement, we have a great chance of strife and separation. For instance, one might say that the Bible tells us that it is God's will to heal us of all our diseases all the time. Another might interpret the same Word of God to say that God promises us grace to go through our trials. I personally could worship God with people on either side of that fence.


Thank you I understand.  And, thank you for looking past my ignorance.  I did not get Lt question correct.  I was raised Catholic.  Then in the 70's  the Spirit Movement moved through the Church.  So at 15 was saved then filled with Holy Ghost at one fluid motion.  The as quickly as it was allowed the Church stopped.  I could not deny the Spirit, so I left the Church.  And, as you are familiar w/ those times, I found many Spirit filled Churches.  It was a few years later that I really heard people speak negative about being, "Spirit filled."  So I never had to deal with any negative until long after I was.  I do not believe all must be tongue talkers.  I understood those people as much as I understood those who were against it.  I just was at a early age, it was always strong with me.  Other gifts became clear to other that I have.  So it is so part of my nature, I did not even understand the preference part until a little bit ago.  I understand your point beautifully.  

If you could read my blog and let me know what you think of it, I would be grateful.  I respect you and your opinion.

Ps. sorry if I went on and on there Lord Bless Brother  


I really liked it. All is good. This part really stood out to me:

This genuine Faith is a Faith that in other words, really Believes in God. See we make it more difficult then we should. We see these mighty works of Faith. And, think how am I ever going to have that Faith. When we should begin with understanding a genuine Faith is based on “Believing in God.” When we start there and build upon that knowledge, instead of starting by looking for a mountain to shove around. We are all here because we Believe in God. Build upon that Truth

Shoving a mountain around can sometimes bring glory to ourselves. I think we have some trying to produce miracles for the wrong reasons. When you read Paul you do not see him bragging about all his mighty works. What you see is a guy that is more interested in us finding the true Christ.

Very good.

Lord Bless you my Dear Brother.  It means a lot to me.

Love ya Roy


You are a true brother in Christ. I'm going to use that looking for a mountain to shove around if you don't mind. That one is really good.


I got it from Holy Ghost, so use it freely.

My Brother



All is good. Part of my thought process regarding this is how some things that are really only preferences actually have reached a level of dividing the church as many have elevated these preferences to the level of doctrine. 


One example can be found in the area of music ... instrument or no instrument. Clapping of hands and raising our hands compared to no clapping or raising of hands. Modern music or traditional music ... etc. To some the style of music is viewed as doctrine in that they condemn other styles and view thiers as being right. Style of music, worship music, is a preference as long as the lyrics and focus is God.


Another example can be found in the area of dress. Suit and tie or gord? (a little humor there), but in some areas of the world a gord is consider proper attire in their culture. To them this is modest.


Version of the Bible, style of preaching, type of building, have all been elevated in some circles to an unhealthy level. Now most would not call the type of building they use a doctrine, but doctrine means teaching and if their core value includes a type of building they must then determine is that a preference or a doctrine.


I think that the church in many cases has been putting shackles on people instead of seeing the Lord setting them free in HIm. Not free to do whatever, but free to ive in Christ. Michelle has a really good post relating to this IMO.


Lord Bless,


Thank you Lt and Roy.  Lt as I shared with Roy, I did not fully understand and I appreciate both of your understanding.  As I have read some between you to and saw a little more, along with my full blown ADHD mind at 51 so maybe more adhd now lol.  Yet, as I pondered some of the points, I would like to add.  As God is so Big with so many facets.  Just as the Body of Christ, compare to our own bodies.  So many different functions so many different needs.  To what one may see as a preference another will see it as a need.(doctrine) As food goes into our bodies, it is divided as shared to all the parts in different ways.  The eye is looking for a certain vitamin, that the joints can see no use for at all.  The joints actually see the vitamin as extreme.  So it is a good thing we have a head, which understands the needs of the entire body.  And, in the case of the Body of Christ.  God designed and also engineered all the parts and needs.  The same will always be true.  The eyes and joints have no reasons in which to differ.  The more they do the less gets done.  It is needed that we understand one another.  As I can clearly see you and Roy do a wonderful job, and I am sure you both have LOTS of experience.  The frustration is invited almost, when one side or the other deny the need or even the truth of this gift or that calling.  Yet, all side must always yield to Wisdom and proof  of fruit.  Which both can only come from God.  What those in leadership must always keep in mind is, when a young person who may have this or that gift or calling.  To give them time, and see if fruit and Wisdom appear and to encourage...Prayerfully how to Shepard ones like these.  I trust this made sense.  I did not mean to go on and on.  Lord Bless.  and Roy I think I am the weaker one.



I see your point, but would respond with one item regarding one person's preference being another person's doctrine. The key is to find what the Bible callse sound doctrine. There are going to be some clear doctrines n Scripture (ie salvation, grace). How one understands these doctrines may vary, but these are clearly seen as doctrine in Scripture. Then there are some gray areas that we may not be clear on. We need to be cautious about calling gray areas doctrine. They, IMO, are gray for  reason. I will add that if one person calls something a doctrine found in Scripture and the other person calls it a preference ... only one can be right. It cannot be both.


I agree with what you said about the young and taking care of them. I can also relate to being 51 :-)


Lord Bless,


Lt I agree with you.  I learned a long time ago, a Pastor sees those he is in charge of through eyes of a Shepherd.  A Prophet can see those same ones, who God wants him to share a Word to, in a totally different light.  Same people, same God.  Those people need two different things from the two different people.  The Pastor has a view to protect.   And carries all their needs.  A Prophet sees them differently.  He has a responsibility to them when God instructs him.  Yet, his view is different.  

To me doctrine or preference.  Are more structure.  As opposed to obedience to flow in the Spirit.  I was not trying to define either, and I guess it was to say the freedom to flow in the Spirit, may seem scary when needing more structure.  But, when there is little freedom to share that way that can be scary, (in a way) but you learn if it is His Will, He will provide a time, so all parts can work together.  All to His Glory

Let the weak say, "I am strong." "I AM STRONG." You are very right. There was a time I could not continue to exist without gaining understanding of grace. God had to show me that His grace was completely enough to get me to heaven. Yet, others just could not believe that Christ had revealed Himself in this way to me. I came out of a dramatic experience with God that made me feel there was nothing I could do to lose His love. Some thought I was being reckless and irresponsible with the things I was saying. I was only twenty-seven at the time - that was thirty-eight years ago. Today, I am a little more balanced with my testimony yet I still do not believe there is anything that I can do to be separated from His love.

At the time, I needed to know that His love for me was unconditional. It became a doctrinal issue with me. It was the most important part of my life. All I wanted to do was talk about God's love. Today, I think  I still want to continue talking about God's love. I don't know LT. I think the doctrine of grace is pretty important.

Chris, it is my desire to pass on to others how much God loves you and all the others on here. What is more important than God's love for His people. He so loved that He gave. I love Him.


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