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All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Does any body here have a grown child who were not saved and or claimed to be atheist but are now saved? Sometimes ... most of the time , I worry so deeply for my unsaved loved ones. My fear gets the best of me and I sometimes reach out to Christians who speak of Christ' love and how Jesus set them free from a dangerous lifestyle in hopes of receiving some kind of encouraging hope. Sometimes after I do reach out to these folks I feel ridiculous for doing so. Are there anyone here who has kids that either hated God or didn't believe in God who are saved now? If so , if you don't mind..... will you share? Thank you for any replys

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Amen - Charles and Sherwood.


Janie - praying for your boy.




Prayer is essential and one of the many spiritual weapons God has given us. It not only helps you unburden your heart before the one that can change your son's heart, but it also places your son’s need of God right on the doorsteps of the one that can change him.


There are no real atheists, what we have is people who choose to rebel against the reality of God, for God has given light to everyone born in this planet of his existence through various ways. One of the many ways we rebelled is by choosing a title such as "atheist" when we know there is a God. Knowing that there is a God is innate to humans, but we fight against that knowledge and choose to worship ourselves or things created.


Keep praying, praying is the most powerful and efficient thing to do for our love ones who are not born again yet.

Janie, let's start with the most important question, what is your relationship to the Lord?  It is important for you to answer, because the fact is - to be in Christ, means that all fear is gone.  Now, let me explain.  Sometimes we say we fear, but it really is apprehension, concern for others, for the future, etc.  When our children come to us, we need to assume the responsibility of living righteous lives, letting them know, letting all others know, that your faith is in God and they will grow in understanding.  They learn to trust you.

But as was my own case, I was not living a righteous life when my children were born.  Chaos followed and we were separated and worst of all, others blamed me.  As a result, although my children are now grown, we no longer have any relationship.

But I am confidant that God knows my heart, He knows how I long to make amends and reestablish a relationship before I leave for home.  And this, I know, without a shadow of doubt, they will be saved because for years, I have been faithful in prayer that He is watching over them and cares for them as He has cared for me.

It may sound funny, but I say, rejoice!  Be glad. Be confidant in the One in whom you have placed your confidence.

Sherwood MacRae,


Thank you for sharing what you did. I seriously mean that. I do not have a relationship with the Lord at this time and I know you are right.. I know that when my kids see me they don't see me as I want them too. I talk God but I talk more toward damnation than I do Jesus. I want them to someday see me as living for Jesus. My fear is real or it feels real. I hear of all the bad and evil and then know my child  refuses to allow anyone to mention God to him without explosion. My fear is what if Jesus came and they arent ready . I know I need to pray... and I do more now than a yr ago.  Thank you again.... your reply made my night. I am sorry about that too because your story is sad but at the same time it is happy because of witnessing your faith here. thanks

I hope soon you see your children again and reconcile.

Janie, bless you for your response and your honesty.  I know that God hears your voice, but I can assure you, He longs for you to join in the chorus that declares: "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, And the things of earth will go strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."

I understand it when you say that my story is sad, but the fact is, Jesus took all of my problems in life and made them disappear, as far as the East is from the West, never to return and He wants to do the same for you.  And He wants to do it now.  Just do it in a quiet time, just you and the Lord and ask Him for His forgiveness and He will remove all those fears.  But a word of caution, don;t bother telling others.  They will see the difference in you as you begin to walk hand in hand with Him.  He is waiting to hear that prayer.

Thank you again Sherwood....I will keep this in mind.

I will say again....Janie, I believe you ARE saved.  Someone who claims they do not have a relationship with the Lord but that they talk to Him and want their kids to see them praying better, etc. isn't like an unsaved person, but more like the saved who has not yet been set free from bondage and strongholds. 

The unsaved do not CARE if they're right with God.  They don't think about God.  They don't see out answers about Him.  They don't question whether or not they're saved. 

Your fear is real or it feels real.  That's the crux of it...FEELS real:





The more you pray and the more you keep seeking God, the more He will help you to overcome the bondages that keep you waffling on salvation and the more He will free you from that struggle, and ultimately those fears.


 My fear is REAL. No really I know that if my head was healed the outside world wouldn't be so petrifying to me. I know this fear real or not has swallowed up my life so far. I will have to remember the false evidence appearing real thing.  I I know I should read and read and pray and pray. I know these things and I even say I am trying... but I am lazy and I know that is a sin. Too Lazy to read things that I don't understand I mean. I did read 1 Peter 1 - 2 the other day. I started reading it online and noticed I was reading KJV. LT had suggested I read it in the NIV. So I clicked on NIV and it read it. As I read I think to my self ... oh yeah he awesome and wow really. I think I am understanding and then whoosh its all gone. I cant rememember anything. .... but the good thing though is when I was reading I didn't blank out as badly as I normally do.. I was enjoying the read.

Then you pray God will help you to put forth more effort.  Believe me.  Even if it seems nothing is changing and it takes years, if you're asking Him to help you and putting forth all the effort you feel you can, He WILL change you and make you less lazy and more productive.  I've seen it happening in my own life.  It hasn't been an overnight change, but gradual, but nearly an overnight revelation of it.  I kept seeing the bad so much that I was crowding out the good changes that were taking place.  I would pray for say more compassion, then not feel compassionate about something and think I was still not compassionate, then find myself crying over another incident where I never would've before.  My compassion has grown and will continue to do so as long as I keep working with God to increase it.  Your fear will diminish as long as you keep praying God help you to stay in the Word, to trust Him and to realize His love for you.  One day you'll notice you trust Him more, that you no longer question if He really loves you and you will find you are loving Him back more than you had.  And on top of all that, you'll notice you're not as afraid as you used to be.

Hi Janie, God bless you!

It took a long time for my family to listen, and not all of them have accepted Jesus. I pray for them. As for me, not proud of it, but I told God I hated Him. I wouldn't call that an atheist. Do you think that was a God rejector? There was a point when I had to choose, and I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I completely turned around.

Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home." (Mark 6:4)

I was on the phone with my sister, and clear as day God said...Talk to her now. So I talked about Jesus, and she accepted Him. My brother called and same thing happened, and then another sister called and it happened again.



Mary O,

  You must have  fell to your knees when your family began to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I have heard different people say they could hear God as plain as day. One woman said His voice was firm with discipline toward her.  Thank you for taking time to help me Mary...

Michelle Thank you for telling me about the young teen getting saved .  I thought I was standing on that rock before but then I couldn't stand strong. Maybe someday soon I will try again. I hope for you and your husband.


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