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God gave Israel King saul,  He gave a ruler in His anger.  are we to vote at all for yes we are voting for the lesser evil,  PLEASE LOOK AT VIDEO  ^   WHAT WOULD JESUS VOTE^

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I wonder if it will ever be possible to have a true Christian president. A true Christian could never say something like there are other paths to God or that God was once a man or something like that. Abraham Lincoln became a true Christian while in office accepting Christ as his Savior and openly giving a profession of his faith. Reagan did appear to have a Christian faith. Perhaps the last candidate to run on his Christian principles as a guiding force in his life was Theodore Roosevelt. Bush made the statement that his most admired person in history was Jesus. He took a lot of heat for that one. I will vote this year but if there has ever been a year I would just as soon stay home, this is that year. Yet, there are many good candidates running for other offices. President? Who is the lesser of two evils? I could never vote for a pro-choice person ever. However, is it true that Romney became pro-life for political gain? Is Romney against big government? I really don't think he is. But the liberals are just plain ***********. They want to rid our country of every semblance of God. The thing I appreciate about Romney is that he doesn't try to hide his unpopular Mormon faith. So far, he doesn't seem to have an agenda to advance his faith through the presidency. I think he has a pretty good chance to be the next president. We won't truly know him until he gets into office. Four more years of what we have could be disastrous.


 But the liberals are just plain ***********. They want to rid our country of every semblance of God.


This is a tremendous comment! 

I appreciated the asterisks that you used instead of the blank one normally uses. I don't have to guess what you meant, but you give me a chance to enter my own word. My first choice is *cowardly*  and the second is *stupid*.

We are one move away from the time referred to as The Tribulation in the book of The Revelation of  Jesus Christ. I wonder who will take that step? If it occurs before the elections in November, America is in *dire straits*. The current administration will back down except that congress overrule him. That is a given after this month's happenings in Egypt. During Clinton's administration, it would have happened because of Sudan.

We need to consider a candidate that is willing to defend  us under any and all circumstances, but we need a president that esteems our armed forces. We don't have one of those either currently.

At any rate, many blessings to you and yours.....



I should be a more subtle. Anyway, I am not here to preach the gospel of conservatism, I am here to preach the Gospel of Christ which will work whatever happens in our government. Yet, it is liberalism that succeeded in getting God our of schools and succeeding in many other others. When Buzz Aldrin stepped foot on the moon, he wanted to give praise to God and Jesus Christ. He wasn't allowed because NASA had just been sued by O'Hair for the Apoll0 8 reading of Genesis One as they circled the moon for the very first time by man. What an exciting time that was. Yet, that didn't stop Aldrin from worshipping God through Jesus Christ as he took communion as one his very first acts once landing on the moon. Armstrong wasn't quite as outspoken as Aldrin but did appear to have a religious experience while up there. He came back fired up for Jesus Christ and went to be with him just a few weeks ago. Several of the astronauts came back with the feeling that they were not alone while they were up there. Jesus will work anywhere. However, I really don't want my grandkids to have to suffer persecution for their faith and so I will vote for the person and party that I think will allow Christianity to flourish. I guess I would be shocked if Romney tried to make Mormons out of us all and sought to get rid of us that say that Mormonism is a cult. However, to those who teach that there is only one way to God, I think times are going to get a little rough.

IMO liberalism has done more damage to Christianity in the past 100 years than any other single thing.


Lord Bless,



I agree with you completely.


Liberalism is part of the Gospel of Jesus. The bible tells us to freely give...but Jude 4 says in KJV "4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

     4     For certain persons have acrept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand 1bmarked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn cthe grace of our God into dlicentiousness and edeny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.  NRSV
4 For hcertain people ihave crept in unnoticed jwho long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert kthe grace of our God into sensuality and ldeny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
This is liberalism go awry.
They are taking their *liberalism* to a point where they are *throwning the baby out with the bath water*.
God has instructed for us to be generous, and broadminded, but...He has also told us to use wisdom...Godly wisdom. The liberals are using man's wisdom which is greatly inferior to God's and becoming lascivious in their thinking.


A better word for them is "materialists" or "secularists."


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