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Can abortion ever be justified; even of a pregnancy in the early stages under 9wks?

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BTW: I do have a special interest in the casualties, the children, of abortion. I believe that we are to stand up for the innocent and the helpless.

I believe that the Lord has given me the judgement to not have children because i can't provide for them from birth until adulthood. I feel nobody should have children that aren't prepared
Jared, what is more important, meat. insect. fruit. vegies. Baby.
Jesus said to the deciples, let the little insects? fruit? no Children come.
another passage Jesus, says if you hurt one of these, it would be better for you to tie a rope around your neck and the other end a rock and through yourself in to the sea.
Abortion is killing.
there is forgivness. Because that is who Jesus is, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.
the Dr. told my mom to abort, but she did not, and a daughter was born to her, and for 1 yr. and 8 month, my parents were thrilled untill the Lord said it is time for Sonia Patricia to come home. they had the joy of getting to know her and every now and tehn my mom talks about her and smiles. Abortion is never a good reason.
Hi Gabby,

I personally do not think that abortion can ever be justified. Human life is not up to us, it is up to God. People will always try to justify their sin...haven't we all done that at some point or another?

I found this on ...The biblical perspective... After all, that is what we are all looking for here (i hope).

Question: "What does the Bible say about abortion?"

Answer: The Bible never specifically addresses the issue of abortion. However, there are numerous teachings in Scripture that make it abundantly clear what God’s view of abortion is. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us that God knows us before He knits us in the womb. Psalm 139:13-16 speaks of God’s active role in our creation and formation in the womb. Exodus 21:22-25 prescribes the same penalty of someone who causes the death of a baby in the womb as the penalty for someone who commits murder. This clearly indicates that God considers a baby in the womb as just as much of a human being as a full-grown adult. For the Christian, abortion is not a matter of a woman’s right to choose. It is a matter of the life or death of a human being made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26-27; 9:6).

The first argument that always arises against the Christian stance on abortion is, “What about cases of rape and/or incest?” As horrible as it would be to become pregnant as a result of rape and/or incest, does that make the murder of a baby the answer? Two wrongs do not make a right. The child who is a result of rape/incest could be given up for adoption to a loving family unable to have children on their own – or the child could be raised by its mother. Again, the baby should not be punished for the evil acts of its father.

The second argument that usually arises against the Christian stance on abortion is, “What about when the life of the mother is at risk?” Honestly, this is the most difficult question to answer on the issue of abortion. First, let’s remember that this situation is the reason behind less than one-tenth of one percent of the abortions done in the world today. Far more women have an abortion for convenience than women who have an abortion to save their own lives. Second, let’s remember that God is a God of miracles. He can preserve the life of a mother and a child despite all the medical odds being against it. Ultimately, though, this question can only be decided between a husband, wife, and God. Any couple facing this extremely difficult situation should pray to the Lord for wisdom (James 1:5) as to what He would have them to do.

Over 95% of the abortions performed in the world today are with women who simply do not want to have a baby. Less than 5% of abortions in the world today are for the reasons of rape, incest, or the mother's health at risk. Even in the more difficult 5% of instances (rape, incest, life of mother at risk), abortion should never be the first option. The life of a human being in the womb is worth every effort to allow a full-term birthing process.

For those who have had an abortion, it should be remembered that the sin of abortion is no less forgivable than any other sin. Through faith in Christ, any and all sins can be forgiven (John 3:16; Romans 8:1; Colossians 1:14). A woman who has had an abortion, or a man who has encouraged an abortion, or even a doctor who has performed one can all be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ.

Recommended Resource: The Cost of Choice: Women Evaluate the Impact of Abortion by Erika Bachiochi, Editor.
I could go into a small debate about how killing innocent unborn children is wrong, but whats the point. How can anyone agree that that is okay?

To answer your question, no. Abortion can never be justified; plain and simple.
For those of you that say killing is never justified because God's commandment says though shall not kill, to the contrary sometimes killing is justified even to God. How about when God had all those people killed when they were worshiping a golden calf when moses came off the mountain? Or when God had all the first born males killed when the pharoh refused to let the Israelites go?
I'm not defending abortion I think abortion is murder and there is no justifying it. The only thing I think that could justify it if it can be justified is if carrying the child would kill the mother in which case the mother and child would die anyway.
Gabby ... I will share my experiences. I have in my past had abortions...:( I will tell you that I REGRET IT so much. I know that when i reach heaven -through Gods garce that i will see the actions of my choices. I will see those little babies i aborted and I will be held accountable for what i did.... Jesus loves the little children and i stoped the living process for them.I thought of my own reasons for justification... I cant do this alone over and over again- and over and over again i failed to realize .....Duh I had Christ, all i had to do was reach out, he was waiting! What a wonderful feeling knowing that Above all ---- God is on my side - how can i fail? My favorite verse now- I can do all things through Christ who stengthens me ..Philipians 4:13. Turn to God and trust in him , sometimes its hard but you can do it! i am not sure of your situation but i will tell you for every action in my life in which there was controversy in the decision - i went against Gods will, God is a God of peace baby :) i am here if ya want to chat ........
In Christ's love
Thank you for all your comments. Fear often makes us do things and take decisions against God's will. There is definately no justification for such an act, and the majority of times its purely because of convenience; what people/ parents will say, financial, career etc. But once the harm has been done do we just get rid of it by commiting another just surrender everything to Christ and see what he does.
I am totally against abortions deliberate murder I work in the medical field and a few years ago the hospital told staff their decision to start performing abortions in clinic.

Some Christian’s I know decide to volunteer for this clinic. I asked them about their decision to participate in deliberate murder knowing it’s a sin. Some believed by just helping and not actually performing it they were okay with God. I was told that God gives every one the choice to choose and that’s between them and God. This is what the Lord says in Proverbs “rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say, ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it? Will he not repay each person according to what he has done?’” (Proverbs 24.11-12) We have a Christian obligation to defend the rights of the unborn whether or not anyone approves of it. We have a judge to face when we don’t. He will definitely know we did not defend those rights.

A lot of different angles have been discussed I just want to add this point. Life begins immediately at conception. Science has given the different stages of life and names such as embryo and fetus. At the embryonic stage they say: “it’s just a clump of cells and not a baby yet”. At the advance stage (or should I say at the stage when it’s illegal in the USA to perform abortions) they call it a fetus, a baby.

John the Baptist had a personality in the Utero. While he was still a baby in the womb, he leapt for joy. The same New Testament Greek word brephos is used to describe John’s inter-uterine joy (Luke 1.41). Remember Esau and Jacob? Isaac wife Rebekah was pregnant with twins Esau and Jacob who fought in her womb Genesis 25:22-26. This tells us that the preborn baby is not becoming a human. The child is growing in the humanity he or she already possesses. He or she is not a potential person, but a person with great potential. Psalm 139 says God creates us in the womb

I have heard people try to justify themselves by saying the babies don’t feel the pain during the abortion procedure. That is totally untrue the babies feel the pain of their bodies being torn apart by a vacuum. There’s a DVD out from two of our Christian brothers in the Lord called “Fearfully and wonderfully made” by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey. I thank the Lord for these two they have allowed the Lord to use them. They go in detail step by step showing how abortions could not be the will of God according to the word of God. They give proof of how the babies feel the pain and torture during the abortion process.

It is an awful thing to happen go into a lab and see them sorting identifiable body parts of a baby they just aborted killed.

That's were the problems lay they consider abortions as there birth control. A few years ago Insurances didn't even cover abortions. Now these insurances allow you a certain amount of abortions with in a time span or for the life time of what ever insurance carrier you choose for coverage.

The insurance company will spend under a Thousand dollars to coverage an abortion procedure vs. Tens of thousands of dollars for a full term delivery plus prenatal care.

I know that there are certain circumstances where maybe medical or birth defects maybe evident. But, are abortions ever justified? I don't see that they are in the word of God. Don't compromise the truth with assumptions. It will give some the excuse to do what they know they outta not do.
PSALM 139:13-17
Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed me in my mother's womb. I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! Body and soul, I am marvelously made! I worship in adoration—what a creation! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, The days of my life all prepared. before I'd even lived one day

Here is how i see the descent of evil when related to abortion. this is not intended to condemn anyone who has a past with this issue, just how i see it and why i think it is serious. there is hope and forgiveness to all, no matter what their sin if they come to christ.

-somone killing a man is murder and wrong, but it doesnt usually shock us if they were strangers and there was a clear reason for the murder, whether revenge or even lots of money.

-somone killing a kid is pretty awful. it is hard for us to come up with a reason for that to happen. even if it was in selfdefense no one would really feel right about it.

-somone killing their own kid is unthinkable in any situation, as far as i can imagine.

-a mother killing the helpless baby within the saftey of her womb, since by nature she feels the instint to do anything to protect, including give her own life, is about as unnatural and abominable as it comes. especially when it is for the sake of convenience.

i realize that murder is murder and sin is sin. but in the sense of certain things there is a greater stigma of evil attached to it. the more defensless the victim is, the worse the sense of evil. if the one that takes the life of the innocent one is the very one that nature, society and conscience expects to defend the innocent, the greater the sense of depravity. this added to the very common motive of abortion (i.e. convenience), makes it one of the most evil acts that can be imagined.

having said that, let me again say, that their is redemption in christ. if you have been part of the decision of aborting a child, there is real forgiveness.
Great impute from all the participants -

Allow me to be the devils advocate on this one for one moment and give you two or three of the most compelling arguments i have encounter to justify avortion. I would like your biblical opinions on how to refute those arguments.

When talking to folks in the medical field, such as nurses and doctors you will find that even Christians tend to waiver in their convictions when they have seen or been around the practice for many, many years. It seems to me that their conscience is numb to the hideousness of the act specially when dealing with:

1. Kids that will be borne addicted, because their parents are addicts or they will be born with severe handicaps.

2. What about the mother? Everyone is thinking about the baby, but what about the mother and her right to choose?

3. Statistically a great number of abortions are done by teenagers, which is one of the reasons why some believe abortion should be a choice available to all. How can we ask the mother to ruined her life by having a child when she is a child herself. (Fifty percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25: Women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and teenagers obtain 17%.



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