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Can abortion ever be justified; even of a pregnancy in the early stages under 9wks?

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He knows what we are going to do before we " decide". The names were written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundations of the earth were laid. Can a servant ruin the Master's Holy Plan? Our entire history is already written
We do have free will. Names can be scratched out of the Lamb's Book of Life. Who are we to decide what to kill for our nourishment? What gives the Angels in Heaven the right to kill the fallen angels? God endorses killing in certain situations. He helped His people to kill their enemies in battles. Killing and violence is part of life.Remember the Angel of Death? Jesus will return as the Lion. If you don't want to kill then you won't eat again. Is it Thou shall not kill or thou shall not kill unborn children?
Thank you for the small debate. What it means to kill is debateable. I hope the Lord blesses you

How can anyone put the killing of animals for food on the same level as killing a baby? That is the first time I have ever heard that line of thinking, and surely hope it is the last. My goodness, a rabbit or a baby ...Hmmm, let me think? To kill to eat has been ordained of God. He told Peter the following in Acts 10:13, " Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat."

What does money have to do with the issue of killing?

In relation to other comments:
* Can the woman choose to trust God for her life rather than kill the baby?
* If a child is not quite what you wanted you should be able to kill the child? Does anyone ask the child what they think on the issue?
* How can you determine if one would be better off unborn? My wife, who I love dearly was sexually abused as a child. Thank God she is alive. My three children thank God she was not exterminated. Who are we to decide what is too tough for a child to go through and decide to exterimnate the child. Maybe the economy is too rough and the children should be spared that kind of life? Where would such thinking stop?
* Those who would choose to undergo a back alley abortion put themselves at risk when they choose to do wrong. If they spared the child the back-alley clinic would not exist.
* Your last thought is interesting. Sin is sin, even if it is a thought, thus abortion is no worse and is OK, because we all sin and since we all sin, let no one throw the first stone? Standing on God's Word is not stone throwing. It is upholding God's Word. If a person has undergone an abortion there is forgiveness for the sin, but forgiveness require repentance and repentance acknowledges the action as sin, not as a choice.

I close with the opening thought again. A baby's life is no more important than the life of a rabbit? I am astonished...........

Lord Bless,
We have a special intrest in abortion? It is killing. The taking of Life. But its ok to take human life if your government goes to war? Two wrongs don't make a right yet if someone kills another then its ok to kill the killer? What happened to forgivness and turning the other cheek? Abort a baby,kill the enemy,kill the killers its all killing.

Do you believe in killing babies and letting murders go? For you have stated that abortinon is a choice in your own wording earlier. Hmmm... one is absolutely innocent and the other guilty? Do you protect the guilty and condemn the innocent? Where is the logic in that?

BTW, I never stated either way regarding captial punishment or war as to wheter I was for it or not, you simply assumed. You said killing is killing, and according to Scripture that simply is not true.

Als, you have not answered any of the questions that I asked of you and your view. Diverting back to me will not work.

As I stated previously I believe that thou shall not kill. I also believe that a woman has the right to choose in many cases just as basically all Christians labor more for money than for the Lord. Sin is sin, we can't break the Law only break ourselves against the Law.

The justification for abortion is the fact that others sin by chasing money, and since some chase money, abortion is OK? The reasoning would be because it is no worse than that? Therefore, the woman has the right to choose sin and that is OK because others are also sinning in other ways? Yet, sin is sin as you say and therefore both are wrong and guilty of sin.

Also, you say you believe thou shall not kill, yet choosing to abort is OK? How does that align?

Please explain what you mean by "we cannot break the law, only break ourselves against the law" from your POV.

Yes to kill is one sin of many kinds of sin. The thought of coveting a neighbor's new car is a sin. We cannot weight one sin over another, only God can weigh our heart on Judgement Day. I believe materialism is a huge problem in our present day, violence and illicit sexual relationships loom large in my mind also. I don't know that I can explain break the Law but against the Law any more clearly

Stop trying to compare in an attempt to divert the guilt of abortin. You keep changing the channel.Yes, all these other things are sin. They are not the topic. Abortion is.

How can you accept that abortion is sin, regardless if it is a sin like other sins, and at the same time believe that it is an acceptable choice? That is the question. Is choosing to sin, ie abortion, ever OK? We are not talking whether it is forgivable, but only whether it is always a sin and therefore to choose to have an abortion means one is choosing to sin.

Please do not come back with a comparative of 5 other sins ...yes, they are sin too and need to be addressed, but in this case we are specifically talking about abortion and the sin is against the child who has no say in the matter. It is a sin against the helpless.

Regarding not being able to break the law, the statement is not a definition. What do you mean. This can have many understandings, and does based on ones understanding of God's Word. I would like to know what it means to you.

I don't believe a woman should lose her right to save her own life even if it is to save the life of her child. One cannot break the Law, or change it, but break thereself against the Law which is unchangeable. Hope that helps you to see my interpitation.

On this issue we disagree. I do not see an exception clause. I will now leave it at that.

Regarding breaking the Law: Rom. 2:25 says "For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision." (KJV) I understand your POV that the Law does not change nor can it itself be broken.

Lord Bless,


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