All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

Ever since I was a very little girl I've had issues.


Just being there has messed things up for people....even for other Christians I've been trouble for.


I don't even have to try to cause trouble for others. I'm very difficult,been that way since I was little...


There's so much to take in. I'm expected by society to do stuff I can't do. It gets so overwhelming.


So, many in society "get it". Most can walk wherever alone and be just fine,they can drive,they can do ordinary stuff. And they expect the same from me.


I don't understand why just being there...


This is how life is... And I don't even go places alone [well I don't have to be with someone if they're in the store]. There's too much to take in. People expect you to stare them in the eyes. I can't do that.  I do this all of the time And I arm flap and I rock back and forth. I can't help it. Like when I get frustrated and can't find the words to tell the Lord something I tend to say it in body language,like jumping up and down/arm flapping.


I don't understand it. Those in society seem to be able to "get it".


I want to know what is wrong with me. Why do I put a stumbling block in so many peoples' way...


I want to be in the arms of Jesus,the One who understands all of this pain I'm in.  


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Comment by feet breath on August 1, 2013 at 7:11pm

Thank you Char and Amanda. I appprciate your advice and encourgement.

Comment by Seek on August 1, 2013 at 6:24am

I'll tell you what God has told me every time I asked "Lord, what is WRONG with me!?"  He said...."There is NOTHING wrong with you." 


I used to not look people in the eyes.  About the last year or two however, I've begun to do it.  I used to not speak up in groups, now I am.  I couldn't go up to strangers, now I do.


You do not put a stumbling block in people's way.  But perhaps you allow people to see that we're all special in our own unique way, that we all have differences and need to accept those differences in each other.  If they can't get that, it's not because of you, but something in them they have closed up.

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