We often hear people quote Jesus about casting stones, He who is without sin cast the first stone. Jesus said it and it is true, but many misunderstand this comment and then misapply it when they use it to tell others not to address their sin. Jesus is not telling us to ignore sin, He is telling us that we are not to condemn people, yet at the same time we cannot, and He did not, condone sin. Stones where meant for killing, truth is given to save. When we address people with the truth…
ContinueAdded by Leonard T on December 29, 2019 at 2:24pm — No Comments
The Holy Ghost is the very life and power of Christianity, and without Him the Church is like a ship without fire in her engine, or steam in her boiler; like an army of soldiers lying lifeless; like Ezekiel’s vision in the plain; like a body without an animated soul.
The Church was never intended to be a natural and intellectual organization, but a supernatural…
ContinueAdded by Leonard T on December 29, 2019 at 2:23pm — 1 Comment
Facing the Storms of Life
By Leonard Traina
We go through many trials in life varying in degree of difficulty. In order to effectively navigate the storms of life we need strive to understand the origin of each trial. There are four basic origins from which trials arise. These four are self, Satan, God, and the natural order of life. Therefore, when facing a difficult time in your life you need to seek to determine if this trial is self inflicted, initiated by Satan or…
ContinueAdded by Leonard T on December 29, 2019 at 2:17pm — No Comments
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