All About GOD

All About GOD - Growing Relationships with Jesus and Others

December 2007 Blog Posts (34)

Don't put a period where GOD puts a comma!

I am so frusterated! This morning I woke up with the worst cramps of my life, at that point I knew! My period had started! Another month goes by and my husband and I still have not conceived! We have been trying to have a baby since August of 2006! Thats one year and four months! It seems like the longest 16 months of my life! But every month at the end of the month its the same let down! I keep getting depressed about this and I know that I am becoming unpatiant about it! But it is just so… Continue

Added by Annie on December 30, 2007 at 10:05pm — 5 Comments

Blessed by the Unexpected

A week or so ago, my friend said she needed to make room in her office and did I want some of the old Christian books that she wanted to give away. She asked me this not only because I love to read, but also because I belong to two book swap groups ( and and I can post them there when I'm done with them.

My son had to run down to her house for a few minutes and I asked him to get the books for me - thinking there would be a few - at the most,… Continue

Added by Kelly on December 30, 2007 at 6:41pm — No Comments

Sideswiped by the Unexpected

I have a dear friend, the one I've written about before. Her name is Crystal and she is like a sister to me (I think! I've never had a sister until she came along). We've known each other 20 years - before husbands, before most of our children, before college degrees, before many life-change events in our lives. We have similar belief systems and values although our personalities are quite different.

A couple of days ago we had a falling out. She and I have had our disagreements over… Continue

Added by Kelly on December 29, 2007 at 4:16am — No Comments

the laodicea church (revelation ) 3: 14- 22

This is the last church in the bible and i beleive we are liveing in that time right now or toward the end of this peroid so it is crucial that we have our eyes and ears open for the sound of the trumpets of Jesus comming for His church . Ver. 14And unto the angle of the church of the laodiceans writs these things say the Amen, the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of God I know your works, that you are neather cold nor hot I would you were cold or hot So then because you… Continue

Added by edward w hickerson on December 28, 2007 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

My Yahoo Group

Hello all! I wanted to let everyone know that I have started a group on Yahoo to go along with my website. If any of you are interested in joining, we're at

Happy New Year to everyone! Maybe 2008 will be the year the Lord comes back!

Added by Vicki on December 28, 2007 at 11:20am — No Comments

Treating My Body As Christ's Home

I'm always happy I can say that Jesus lives in my heart! Unfortunately the poor guy is surrounded by blubber and watching body strain and struggle to stay healthy despite the cookies and ice cream an caffiene and extra 65 lbs. My bood has not turned to syrup yet, but was higher than it should have been last year at my annual physical. My cholesterol and all that ok, but at two separate times my blook pressure has been above normal in the last month (two separate offices, two separate…


Added by Kelly on December 27, 2007 at 9:43am — 1 Comment

Living and breathing the inerrant Word of Christ

I would like to share and encoureage my brothers and sisters how we can grow daily into a closer intimate relationship with our precious Savior.

Jesus allows our eyes to open another day for His Father's glory.

When my eyes open He has shown me how to greet Him and pray for my day to be effective and fruitful for His glory, before my feet hit the floor.

Lk 9:23 (3) commitments deny myself take up my cross daily follow Jesus

6 Disciple disciplines

Jn 15:5…


Added by Rob Dressel on December 25, 2007 at 1:34pm — No Comments


Hi my name is Annie and my husband and i have been trying to concieve for about a year now! Here is the thing! I am 21 and he is 42. He has had a vasectony reversal and we have been praying and praying! Does anyone have any advice? That doesn't cost as much as invetro? Because we really want a baby but we don't want to spend all of our money on having the baby, then the baby will end up having nothing! Does that make sence? Please help us out with any ideas and keep us in your prayers!! THANK… Continue

Added by Annie on December 24, 2007 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments

Gospel piano melody

If you go onto youtube and type in Gospel Piano Melody you can find me playing some old gospel tunes Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Swaggart style, although I'm not as good as them, they influenced my style. Keep in mind I only started focusing on the piano for about a year or so. I always fooled around on friends pianos but never invested in one, I got one about a month and a half ago... hope you all enjoy

Added by Jason on December 23, 2007 at 11:49am — No Comments

Praying Your Slate Clean

A 12-Step devotion for today talks about how hard it is to read a message on a chalkboard that is nearly white with old chalk. But when you clean it with water, you can the see the writeen messages clearly again. The author goes on to compare that with erasing anxieties from one's mind so you can see clearer the fresher inspiration that you come up with for a healthier mind set.

Isn't this what happens when we pray? We give over our worries to God for Him to take care of and…


Added by Kelly on December 23, 2007 at 10:52am — No Comments


Whatever your cross,

whatever your pain,

There will always be sunshine,

after the rain ....

Perhaps you may stumble,

perhaps even fall,

But God's always ready,

To answer your call ...

He knows every heartache,

sees every tear,

A word from His lips,

can calm every fear ...

Your sorrows may linger,

throughout the night,

But suddenly vanish,

dawn's early light ...

The Savior is waiting,

somewhere above,

To… Continue

Added by candy:) on December 22, 2007 at 11:22pm — 3 Comments

Now That All the Shopping Is Done I Can Concentrate on the Reason for the Season (and Everything Else!)

My husband and I arrived at Wal-Mart at about 5:00 a.m. this morning to do the lion's share of our Christmas shopping, and now, at 8:45 a.m. I'm THRILLED to say that after one more internet transaction a little later today, we'll be done - ALL DONE. We don't get much compared to most people. Some things for our kids, my godsons, and my grandson. And inexpensive token gifts for adult friends and family members.

Now I can turn my attention to preparing for our new Twelve Days of… Continue

Added by Kelly on December 22, 2007 at 7:58am — No Comments

3 - in - 1 Daily Devotionals

December 21 - Daily Feast

Rebellion rises in us when one of our customs has to be changed. We think even when times were not east, bits and pieces meant something to us. Leaving it behind means a little of us must stay as well. Familiar memories can be treacherous. They grip the spirit and tell us we are losing something that cannot be replaced. But therein lies the fallacy. We do not replace what has been dear to us. We fold it in love and put it in safekeeping - while we add… Continue

Added by Pastor, Rodney E. Presswood on December 21, 2007 at 3:22pm — No Comments

Fellowship and Fun

Today, my 2 homeschooled kids (age 16 and 11) and I are joing our close friends, 2 other homeschool moms and their kids ( 2 more 16yo's and a 12 year old) for a little homeschool Christmas party and cookie bake today. As of the time of this writing we have finished the party part and are moving on to the cookie party.

We found out during the Christmas IQ quiz that even those of us who have gone to church all our lives and read the Bible ten times over don't know everything there is to…


Added by Kelly on December 21, 2007 at 1:23pm — 1 Comment

Offline for a while

I just wanted to let everyone know...because I don't have my own computer and because the library will be closed from Dec. 22 until Dec. 26, I will not be here for a while. I didn't want anyone to think that I just wasn't answering their messages or anything, lol! I hope you all have a happy, blessed Christmas!

Added by Vicki on December 21, 2007 at 12:13pm — No Comments

The Best Christmas Gift Ever (My Testimony)

The Best Christmas Gift Ever
For years, I "thought" I was saved. Then I went to Community Baptist Church and heard Brother Eddie preach. And, boy, can he preach! He doesn't pull any punches! His motto is...Hell is hot and sin ain't right! So there I was, watching this crazy preacher jump around and shout, thinking, "I'm ok, I'm saved." Well, being Christmas night, he…

Added by Vicki on December 19, 2007 at 8:57am — No Comments

Gratitude for True Friendship

My BFF called me yesterday evening in tears. A number of things had gone wrong that day, and her feelings were very badly hurt by someone she loves. On top of all that, she was worrying about a future situation that might or might not (but probably will) happen, and she can do nothing to stop it.

We talked for nearly an hour, and when we got off the phone, she was still quite upset, BUT she had shared with me what was going on in her inner-most being and I had been able to…


Added by Kelly on December 19, 2007 at 7:00am — 1 Comment

It's so easy just to lie a little, cheat a little, steal a little....after all who are we hurting...

Last week our favorite family-owned convenience store had to start requiring customers to prepay for gasoline. They wanted to avoid it, and lasted longer than most stations did, but over the course of just a few days they lost over $500 from gasoline theft. Now, I've heard it before: "the oil companies are rolling in money at the same time we are rolling pennies just to be able to afford gas; they can stand a little loss here and there." I'll tell you who got hurt - not the oil company. You…


Added by Kelly on December 18, 2007 at 7:45am — No Comments

Glad To Be Here!

I just wanted to say how glad I am to be here! I'm always looking to meet new Christian friends, and this seems like the place! Thank you, Kelly, for inviting me! I plan to add my testimony as soon as possible, but in the meantime, greetings to all!

Added by Vicki on December 17, 2007 at 11:01am — No Comments

My Christian Music:

I LOVE a variety of music, and Christian music is one of my FAVORITES. SOME of the songs I enjoy are:

My God Is Real

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Peace In The Valley

In The Garden

Put Your Hand In The Hand

Farther Along


He Walks With Me

I Saw The Light

Didn,t It Rain

The Lighthouse

Go Tell It On The Mountain

Do Lord

Without Him

I COULD go on and on and ON. LOL!!!

Added by victoria m. on December 17, 2007 at 9:34am — No Comments

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