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Craig Portwood
  • Male
  • Shady Cove, OR
  • United States
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Juan Jose Talero Garcia left a comment for Craig Portwood
"Hello there, First of all, I want to say thank you for creating the website It has been a really helpful resource. One day as I was doing research about the true origins of ash Wednesday, I came across your website, It…"
Apr 22, 2020
Juan Jose Talero Garcia liked Craig Portwood's profile
Apr 22, 2020
Juan Jose Talero Garcia liked Craig Portwood's profile
Apr 22, 2020
Juan Jose Talero Garcia liked Craig Portwood's profile
Apr 22, 2020
George Hanson commented on Craig Portwood's blog post Who are the elect?
"I believe the Church will be raptured, It is clear from scripture that there will be people (SAINTS) left after the second coming who will repopulate the earth. This can not happen if all are changed to immortal bodies at the second coming. As…"
Jul 22, 2019
George Hanson commented on Craig Portwood's blog post The pre-tribulation rapture: fact or fiction?
"Rapture is not in the bible it is a word for Caught Up that is used same meaning. I believe it is true for this reason. I know many do not believe in a pre-tribulation rapture. I don't understand why, It is clear from scripture that there will…"
Jul 22, 2019

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United States
Writer - broadcaster - author - guerilla lawyer in propria persona
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I came here to bear witness...or perhaps to cast pearls where I ought not?
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Bearing witness to the hard Truth about Christianity
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Craig Portwood's Blog

The unforgivable sin

Posted on July 29, 2010 at 12:22am 2 Comments

The idea that there could be a sin so grievous to God that it will never be forgiven, is a very scary…


The Rock of our salvation

Posted on July 26, 2010 at 6:01pm 0 Comments

Many doctrines espoused by the so called church, are clearly not supported by a plain reading of the Bible but are instead, propped up by false interpretations of God’s Word. Without exception, such false interpretations have been put in place to propagate a hidden theological agenda.

This practice of the deceitful handling of the Word of God, is accepted by believers, who embrace such things because they are put forth by religious organizations who make a false…

The curse of legalism

Posted on July 11, 2010 at 9:59pm 0 Comments

It is practiced by nearly every faith and every denomination of Christianity. It is the means by which God’s word is perverted to propagate men’s agendas in the guise of sound doctrine. It can be appropriately called legalism.

Although some rightly maintain that the practice of legalism is contrary to our freedom in Christ, the same individuals will cite scripture in legalistic fashion to support their cherished false doctrines, corrupt dogmas,…

Florida School District banning Bible handout on Religious Freedom Day is sued

Posted on July 2, 2010 at 4:13pm 0 Comments

More than 200 years ago, the state of Virginia enacted a law which codified a most basic freedom: the freedom to worship as any man saw fit.

Moreover, this law forbade the imposition by the state of religious thought or lack thereof, upon any man.

In these modern times, an Atheistic mindset on the part of some people in government has allowed these values to fall by the wayside.…

Should Christians celebrate Father's Day?

Posted on June 20, 2010 at 4:50am 0 Comments

Sunday, June 20, 2010, is the day America celebrates as Father’s Day. It was first celebrated in the United States, in June of 1910. Predictably. Like its holiday companion known as Mother’s Day, it also has Pagan roots. Read more>>

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At 10:45am on April 22, 2020, Juan Jose Talero Garcia said…
Hello there, First of all, I want to say thank you for creating the website It has been a really helpful resource. One day as I was doing research about the true origins of ash Wednesday, I came across your website, It was exactly what I was praying for, It was like a miracle. Then I was really blessed when I clicked on the heading titled "dangerous books"; I found exactly what I was looking for, a book about the pagan origins of catholicism. I had been looking for a book like this for months and when I found it, I was really happy. However, as I was reading the book and did some research I came across a lot of people that claimed that the book was not factual therefore it cannot be trusted. At this point I was really frustrated, So I decided to try to contact you because you are the only person that perhaps has something to say about this issue. I hope you can explain to me how the book of the Two Babylons is actually true or not. Please respond to this email. THANKS and GOD BLESS.
At 2:54pm on December 17, 2008, PoiemaDei said…
God bless you. Let us keep heralding the truth of the Gospel.
At 9:26am on June 3, 2008, AAG Netguy said…

Greetings in the Lord! This is Greg, TheNET Coordinator. Welcome! We're glad you are here!

Please be sure to check out the Genesis Group and visit the Links for Growth forum for great tips on how to grow in Christ.

Once again, thanks for joining TheNET. I hope you make lots of good friends here and keep growing in the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.

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