Start by whispering to Jesus, "Help me." Don't worry about what you have to do or lay down. He will take care of that all for you when you have a sincere heart. Ask Him to come into your life and show Himself to you and He will. Listen and look for Him and you will hear His super natural voice and see hidden things. Things will be more than coincidental. You will have a life of peace and understanding that you have never known before. Love will fill your heart for Him, when you realize this is real. When you come to Him you are as a little child. He doesn't expect much of you, just as you are a new born baby. There is no other way to come to Him. Talk to him in your thoughts, He knows them all anyways. Nothing you can tell Him will shock Him. He knows us better than we know ourselves! He knows you are helpless and struggling and He wants to help you. He wants you to just rest in His arms for a while and let Him love you. We have to admit we are dependent on Him and He will take care of you. Then let His love unfold and your life will change. I know, I was the worse of sinners and in a deep hole that I had made for myself. My life was out of control. Addictions controlled me, I did not control them. I was in the deepest depression and self loathing. The things I was doing was damning me and everyone around me. You are more needed in this life than you realize. We make ripples in this life and those little waves reach out and effect others that we don't even know about. Jesus wants you to come to Him so He can show you your self worth and meaning to yourself and others. Jesus says He will forgive you and FORGET your sins and give you a brand new start! Love to all.
Jesus says,
"For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."-Hebrews 8:12
"I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."-John 10:10
Hi Meinke, awesome testimony, praise God!! Thank you for sharing.
Consider Romans 12:2 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”
I have found this to be critical in transforming my life, acknowledging what is in me and daily confessions of scripture. Continue saying the Word of God till you believe it, then say it because you believe it!
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