Gwendolyn Mack

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
retired govt employee
I'm here to...
be part of a christian community
prayer, cooking, reading, travel, gardening, learning to knit and crochet and other fabric arts
I'm passionate about...
Jesus, living in community with fellow believers as a close knit loving witness to Christ. Finding a good bible study fellowship.
and serving the Lord. Desiring to find God's *True Companions! NIV Rev 1:9.
I, John, your brother and companion in the suffering and kingdom and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus, was on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
My story with God
Love God, love family, love country, desirous to help Him build His Kingdom!
I am a religious celibate by choice, a new monastic seeking the right monastic expression of our Lord and Sovereign King, Jesus Christ.

(A child born to worship the King of Kings, in loving family bonds and healthy soul ties, in a God-fearing, God honoring community and Country with just and righteous judges and laws to protect the innocent and the laws lovingly obeyed to honor one another and honor God! Fullness of of Mercy, Truth, and Loving humility). ( I haven't found it yet, still seeking the Lord as it is written while He can be found!)
Other stuff about me:
Hurt, and wounded by others in the body of Christ. Seeking authentic true christian divine and holy connections for healing and healthy right godly nurture. True christian fellowship of humans living in good community and right relationship with one another and with God. No sexual immorality of any kind, and no wrong doctrinal beliefs. i.e. God is a heterosexual God. Why? In his OWN IMAGE, HE MADE THEM, MANKIND; male and female. To be fruitful and multiply and create like fruit and continue righteous seed promulgating a true living tree of LIFE just as Jesus is called.

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