Leone (Misty Smith=FB) (Boogity)

Profile Information:

Country (not County)
I'm here to...
I don't know what all it is here, meet other Christians maybe....
Jesus, god's word, being a mom, camping........
I'm passionate about...
Following Jesus, God's will, my children
My story with God
There are so many adventures with The Lord, not sure where to start. To keep it short -Jesus is my motivation and direction in life. Was saved in 2004. There was never healthiness or wholeness in my life when I was out in the world -so to speak, without Jesus. Even amidst occasional peril of life I've found my life to be healthier and more whole with Jesus than it was without. Perhaps that is the peace of Jesus, as well as the peace which comes from truly knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt just how very real and good he is.
Other stuff about me:
I like cats.

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