
Everyone has an opinion about politics and current events. If you yell at the tv when watching the news like me, you need a group like this to vent and argue.
  • Lahry Sibley

    Has anyone seen the movie "The Obama Deception" on www.knowthelies.com?
  • Ken O.

  • Tonya Hill

    Dear guys esp Chip,
    I'm a female first!!!!!!!!! Let me tell u guys something- both of my grandmothers lived thru the GREAT DEPRESSION and they are still alive today!!!! Now, I believe just like my grandmothers in our one and only GOD and JESUS are one and only savior who will conquer SATAN himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I voted for McCain and Sara Palin. I disagress with our current President very much. Hopefully, they will bring our troops back home and not have another VIETNAM like my dad was in. My dad was an officier in Vietnam. I visited the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. WAR SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Our God and Lord Jesus know who the bad people are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chip-U ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep the faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Ken O.

    Chip, there's nothing we can do. If Obama has dual citizenship or not we are stuck with him for 3 years. I have 3 words for you that scares me to the bone.
    President Joe Biden
  • Ginnybee

    Ken O., LOL, nice. I share your thoughts on that one, for sure! I think President Obama appointed VP Biden for the soul purpose of protecting his self. He knew no one would want to be stuck with Joe for president.

    ok ope to see you in politics
  • REv. Renold Fenelus

    I am Pastor Renold Fenelus thank you for adding me in this group I am interessing to become a member of this group, so I need to know some information about thism group
  • David Velasquez

    Obama is our president and we should do as scripture commands us to do and pray for Him.

    We should also understand that NO ONE is in a leadership position without our Lord allowing it.
    I did not vote for Him but i do pray for him. He is my president.
  • Theresa

    Yes, I agree, we should pray for Obama but not with our eyes close, LOL, after all, would you pray with your eyes close when you are driving a car or bycicle or an airplane or a boat, LOL? God help America and the world, they are the ones That I want to pray for too.
    By Mr Obama winning the presidential election shows us Christians who are truly called by God, how much there is decay and immorality in our nations. Just look at the people who voted Obama in and look at their behavior and their lifestyle and this has to tell you something really interesting.
    One thing we can be thankful to God for is using Mr Obama to accomplish His will and hopefully bring back Jesus sooner to this side of the world, this is one positive point about Obama.
  • David Velasquez

    hahahaha Great impute Theresa good sense of humor. I would encourage us to keep up to date with what’s going on in congress/The White House by visiting ACLJ's (American Center for Law & Justice) web site. Jay Sekulow is an awesome Christian attorney confronting the Laws that affect our Christian freedoms
  • Ginnybee

    Yes, ACLJ is doing some mighty work, though I fear the opponents overwhelmingly outnumber the constituents.

    LOL...luv ya sis, T!
  • David Velasquez

  • David Velasquez

    Progressive Christianity is the name given to a movement within contemporary Protestant Christianity characterized by willingness to question tradition, acceptance of human diversity with a strong emphasis on social justice or care for the poor and the oppressed (see Minority groups) and environmental stewardship of the Earth. Progressive Christians have a deep belief in the centrality of the instruction to "love one another" (John 15:17) within the teaching of Jesus Christ. This leads to a focus on compassion, promoting justice and mercy, tolerance, and working towards solving the societal problems of poverty, discrimination, and environmental issues.

    This movement is by no means the only significant movement of progressive thought among Christians (see the 'See also' links below), but it is currently a focus of such issues in many parts of the world.

    Progressive Christianity draws on the insights of multiple theological streams including: 19th century evangelicalism, 19th and early 20th century Christian liberalism, 20th century neo-orthodoxy, and late 20th and 21st century liberation theology. [1]. Perhaps the most comprehensive statement of a progressive Christian point of view is "Progressive Christian Beliefs: An Introduction..." found at http://progressivetheology.wordpress.com, by Delwin Brown, apparently a reformed liberal theologian.
  • Joleen

    I recieved this writing in an e-mail. It didnt have a link or video to back up the quote that the president aledgely made. Does anybody know if this is true or not? thank you in advance for any answer .

    > Bad press, including major mockery of the plan by comedian Jon Stewart, led to President Obama abandoning his proposal to require veterans carry private health insurance to cover the estimated $540 million annual cost to the federal government of treatment for injuries to military personnel received during their tours on active duty. The President admitted that he was puzzled by the magnitude of the opposition to his proposal.
    > "Look, it's an all volunteer force," Obama complained. "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice? It doesn't compute."
    > "I thought these were people who were proud to sacrifice for their country," Obama continued. "I wasn't asking for blood, just money.. With the country facing the worst financial crisis in its history, I'd have thought that the patriotic thing to do would be to try to help reduce the nation's deficit. I guess I underestimated the selfishness of some of my fellow Americans."
    > Please pass this on to every one including every vet and their families whom you know. How in the world did a person with this mindset become our leader?
    > "Nobody made these guys go to war. They had to have known and accepted the risks. Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?"
    end of e-mail.
  • God's Rocker

    This is a place ro gripe about politics ??? Well, here goes,Im'not happy with our new president at all .First of all no one has seen his real birth certificate proving he;s a US citizen 2nd he's not a very seasoned politician if you look at his past history and has Hilary Clinton holding his hand through the Presidency 3rd ,He's paying more attention to Healthcare than stopping the war. and 4th I've heard he was muslim and seen photos of him walking into a mosque .5th He's not Ron Paul (haha).
  • Peter Clement

    everybody needs to see this video of Obama mocking Jesus Christ;
    Obama is a muslim and anti christian. Obama is as well born in Kenya
  • God's Rocker

    RON PAUL 2012 Pictures, Images and Photos
  • Bill Evans

    Hi everyone! This is a re-post of an editorial rant/question I sent out on another forum w/o any responses:
    (subject comment)
    I must admit to finding myself increasingly troubled by recent events as reported in local & national news. Now when I say 'recent' I mean the last 18-24 months for sure, but actually this is part of a much larger trend going back many more years in our nation's history. These 'events' can be generally categorized as a national drift away from God. Evidence of this can be seen literally everywhere: 1) increasingly larger elements of our society are aggressively trying to remove most references to our faith in all areas of public domain, and in some private arenas as well; 2) genuine personal morality and Godly values take a back seat to situational imperatives (elected public officials, movie stars, business leaders, news media, etc, etc.); 3) new laws (spawned from the court system and from additions/edits to our constitution) take us into areas where we are compelled to tolerate, financially support, and even comply with activities that stand in direct contridiction to God's laws; 4) current social rules of public communication effectively try to silence any person's attempt to project references to a personal value system - especially if it is Christian-based.
    As most will agree, our nation was founded, as clearly recorded in history, by God-respecting, God-fearing people, seeking, among other things, freedom in their expression of faith. How far we have come!
    Now, I do understand my brothers & sisters in the Lord, that the erosion of social values is not a new phenomena in the history of the world. These cycles have been repeated time and again. A certain nation will grow to greatness, reside on the mountaintop of their success and strength for a brief season, and then the inevitable happens. The nation begins to forget those things that brought them greatness, and they crumble into ruin from within. I also know that the natural process at work in the universe is atrophy. All things move toward decay over time. But when we look at these events from a biblical basis, what first comes to mind is prophesy. These events, these times were certainly foretold. We are therefore, I believe, getting very close to the end times.
    What my troubled soul is wrestling with (for the remaining days my Lord leaves me here) is this: what should our response be to these things? Truly - these troubling events of our time are not likely going to change for the better on their own. For it is true that political/social ills can't change until the hearts of men change. But do we not have a response today as Christians? Are not some souls in the world looking to the children of salt & light to demonstrate a public response worthy of our God - of our faith? Yes, we will continue to pray - for our leaders and our nation. And we will continue to work the fields of harvest as we are led, one soul at a time, to continue His work of changing hearts. But as to a public stand on these issues...do we have an active role to play? And what should that role look like?
    Thanks for letting this old man vent today.
  • Ken O.

    (responding to Bill Evans)
    1.. Our morals and freedoms innsociety where eroding but know at a very faster pace. Since Obama took office, all of his plans and so called solutions have been big government which is a freedom killer. We have got to things back to a state level where policies are easier for the people to manage.
    2. I think as Christians we should fight politically. We should stand up and fight for our values and our moral integrity. I don't see anything biblical , that we should go quietly into the night.
    3. I think we are in the last days and I say Lord come quickly. Get me out of here! But until then, I'll go down fighting.
    4. As Christians we are for high morals and freedoms, and personal responsibility. I see our values in the Tea party movement. I'm in it, we are going to a rally today, and I recommend that you join us.
    God Bless
    Ken O.
  • betty j. maye

    i have no ideal how any one that is a Christian can support or vote for obama. i have put in many hours of research into this man and his wife. i believe this man is evil. sharon theil states that he is a Chrisitan because she looked up and found out he is a member of the the church of Christ. this means nothing. many will say they know the Lord and do works in his name yet He will tell them depart for i never knew you - this is from His word. she also states that Jesus "spoke of love and goodness" yes He did but He also spoke of fearing Him and upholding his laws. i do not appreciate it when people try to make Christians look like they are evil because we speak out against the very things the Lord tells us to stand up against! Jesus does not expect us to lay down and hope things will be okay! He shows us in His word that we should be bold and fight. i suggest sharon and everyone for that matter read obama books. he is quite open about this dislike of the white race and his embarrassment of the nation he is now the leader of. think about one of obamas first excutive orders helping the homosexual agenda with the signing of the non-discrimination act. then the overturning of president bush ban on funding overseas abortions! we also see his agenda to take God out of all of government. these are just a few of things that he has done that goes against what our Father tells us to stand up against. i will not get into the more secular parts of his adminstration - there is too much to truly get into but please be aware of Amnesty for illegal aliens, Cap and Trade, Bail Outs, etc...
    As a Christian i feel it is expected of me to stand up against obama and others like him!
  • Joleen

    This video has a drawing of explaination of partial birth abortion so please dont have kids sitting with you while listening/watching. I hope putting this video here is ok. Also I hope I dont get kicked off this site or told to leave as I see others being told. I dont like Abama and have reasons why and its not because I am speaking ugly filth its because I dont think he is working for the USA .This is a Polictic group and there will be disagreements please dont call the ones who disagree with our President names. This is our freedom of speech as it ws yours .
  • betty j. maye

    rapture and chip you know that a person i known by their actions not by what they say - this is why the "evidence" sharon theil wrote of made me so upset! obama actions show he is a muslim!! he can say he is a Chrisitan but there is NO evidence of it!! i just can't understand how anyone is still fooled by this man especially Christians. a vote for obama was a vote against God in my opinion. also the point chip brings out about the koran stating that it is okay for a muslim to lie when dealing with us infadels was great! i was just shocked that sharon theil did not have a problem attacking a fellow Christian while standing up for a known muslim???? it just got me upset and i am still upset over it!
  • betty j. maye

    yea rapture the more i read in my Bible the more i see obama is far from what we as Chrisitans are suppose to be. Romans 16:17-18
    "I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetities. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people."
    does that sound like smooth talking obama or what?
  • betty j. maye

    Rapture you are right we need to pray for these people. i have been praying for the Lord to show obama and others like him they are lost and headed to hell with out Him! we need to pray but we also need to let the secular world know that we believe God's laws and we will not let them take over without a fight! i too believe the rapture is near but until the trumpet blows we need to continue to pray and stand up for God's values!!
  • Ricprimus

    My exact opinion of the "professional" college to grave career politician; once you get away from the concept of the average citizen "serving" a few years in a position of power and authority, then returning to ordinary life,  you end up  with an elite class who decides laws & rules do not apply to themselves, only in stuffing their own pockets even at the expense of killing the "golden goose".

  • Amber

    Do all Christians need to be conservative? I am finding that there are very few democratic spiritual people... but maybe i am looking in the wrong places. I am torn...I have always been a liberal thinker, as far as helping people who are in need..I dont mind being taxed. I think investments are needed to prolong resources for the long run. BUT....I also lean towards pro-life, homeschool, and welfare reform... t seems i dont know what I am anymore. I will have to pray for God to help me vote, make the best choice for our next leader here in the US....

  • Evangeline

    ladylite,  Being conservative is not a neccessary attribute for a Christian.  When I look at the cnadidates for office, I ask myself, what does he/she believe about abortion, welfare, the budget, defense, etc.  Do his/her views make moral and economic sense?  I would rather give money to my church or a Christian charity than to a government that will use it to promote family breakup, immorality, abortion, over spending, and not defend our nation.  I also want to know the candidate's stand on Israel.   Biblical financial standards do not tell us to spend what we don't have and let our children pay for it.

  • Amber


    You just put it all in perspective for me. I appreciate your logic so very much!

    I guess the reason I ask this question is because , on paper, i am a democrat when voting. But based on those very same questions you pose to yourself, I do feel that I am holding the same views as a conservative candidate. Maybe I am afraid to change over...as I used to be so passionate about this. I majored in natural resources, and was taught that most republican administrations help the corporations instead of looking ahead into the future at what that may cost.. however, morally speaking...i feel more on track with the republican conservative side. sigh..its tough to make a decision on my vote this year....

  • Evangeline


    I understand the difficulty in making a decision on voting.  While growing up my parents were democrats and I agreed with them.  But, reality struck and I changed the way I voted.  As the morality of our nation went into a downward spiral, I became more concerned about where candidates stood on social and economic issues.  My parents also changed their political views.  I, also, changed my views on some of our past presidents, because of gaining a better understanding of economics.

  • Amber

    Thank you, Evangeline. You have been very encouraging . I will keep all of this in mind!

  • Evangeline

    Romney is a Mormon, not a Christian.  Ryan is a Catholic.

    We are losing our freedom of speech, religion, carry a gun, and other rights.  We had a born again Christian as president a few years ago.  His policies sent this country into a downward spiral, and he periodically, comes out of retirement to embarrass the USA and insult Israel.

    Our economy is important.  Obama promotes poor economic policies which are inconsistent with Biblical principles, tear up the traditional family, and encourages taking hand-outs instead of working.  His social policies encourage the gay agenda and abortion,

    As long as we live on earth, we have a responsibility to what we can to reach out  to help others and to preach the gospel.  That will become more difficult if we sit back and do nothing to protect those basic rights and do nothing to encourage financial growth. 

    Along with wise voting, we are called to pray, pray, pray.

  • Amber

    SO true, Evangeline. The main factor is our responsibility to make choices according to our faith. Being that we are just visitors here, there is a very short period of time for us to exercise this.

    Oh boy, did the last prez embarrass us..Mispronouncing words, and terrible foreign relations created a reputation of disrespect to the world.

    when it comes to "handouts"...I really do believe that many people need help. However, some abuse the system and use it for life, setting a bad example for the children. I think our welfare and social services need to place stronger regulation on what the citizen spends the free money on, and also set time limits.

    Another place where I find myself in the middle is capitalism and the exploitation of workers.There are hidden costs that our free market cant place a dollar value on...and its tough when those things start catching up with us...the big corporations need to be help more accountable.

    and the EPA is only as good as its administration. The last president actually loosened the ppm requirements on many water issues, so that they could be deemed safe.

    There are social environmental injustices all over. plants set up shop in poor neighborhoods to save on taxes, and the people get very sick with no one to fight for them.

    Also , our rights as parents are being taken away...I cant believe how easy it is for the govt to decide that a parent is deemed unfit...when there are others out there that more than suit the criteria...

    these are also things I am thinking of when I ponder where to place my vote.

    I agree..economy is huge right now. We need to help small businesses ...

    we need to keep an eye on the FDA and their lax mannerisms towards MONSANTO.

    whoever fills those shoes has a lot to mitigate...its going to be tough.

  • Evangeline

    ladylite,  I have been on welfare (medical assistance) because of some diablilities.  I hated it.  I no longer rely on the gov't for my medical care.   Now, when I can't afford my medical care, my church helps me.  I am glad I had a safety net when I needed it. 

    But when there are able-bodied people who won't work, there should be a limit on how long they can collect welfare.  Removing the work requirement that was put in place during the Clinton adm is wrong.  The "Great Society" from the LBJ era has allowed fathers to shirk there responsiblilies to their families and provided a means for taxpayers to support women who have multiple kids without the benefit of marriage.

    When food stamps were first enacted, they could be used for food grown in the USA, only.  Not on soft drinks, cigerettes, etc.  In addition to feeding the poor, the intent was to help the American farmers.

    I don't see much exploitation of the workers.  That has been problem in the past, but now there are OSHA requirements, minimum wage, and collective bargaining.  There may be an exception with farm workers.  I don't know enough about that.  But, farm work, in and of itself is not exploitation.

    There are many EPA regs that are excessive.  In the free market system, costs for a product or service are dependent on what the market can handle.  It is one the things that has made America exceptional.  When plants set up in poor neighborhoods, they provide jobs for unemployed people.  Here again, wages are in part determined by the market.  If a business pays less than a competitor, the employees have the choice of finding new employment.  If jobs are hard to find wages go down.

    An example is North Dakota, where unemployment is low and wages are high because of the Bakken oil fields. 

  • Evangeline

    Is it possible to have an honest discussion with a muslim?

  • Ricprimus

    It still boils down to Christians not voting by their supposed values; you can bet every election the secularists, pagans, atheists vote by theirs. And of course the federal government workers, unions such as teachers since they vote by their wallet. It is going to be very difficult to reverse the trend when so many churches have become corrupted.