
Everyone has an opinion about politics and current events. If you yell at the tv when watching the news like me, you need a group like this to vent and argue.
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  • CM

    Dare I say this....and I know I will probably get a lot of flack for this idea. I believe that the US needs a national christian political party. Yes, I am aware that nothing will be perfect and right until Jesus sets up his kingdom on earth. However, this country needs more of a christian influenece in all areas of government. It is obvious that neither political party is going to effectively carry that out.....although in my opinion one does better than the other.


    Just a thought. If you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Maybe thats something that should be considered

  • Evangeline

    I hope the mess this country is in will motivate Christians to pray and that God will send a revival.

  • CM

    Hello, I hope everyone is having a great start to their weekend. Pray for Israel and the United States, and for the situation going on in Iraq(I know the whole world is on fire, Ukraine, etc, but this is the most recent).

    I found a grassroots organization that I liked.  www.patriotvoices.com

    I hope some of you check it out. I hope some of you like it and become involved if that is the will of God for your life.