God Speaks

Has God revealed something to you?  Ever have an epiphany you just had to write down?  Never been a song writer or a poet and suddenly you're filled with melodies and rhymes you know are not your own?  

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  • Carla

    That's not what I'm asking you.  Maybe we're misunderstanding each other.  Do you believe that Jesus is God?  Do you believe that HE is God incarnate, equal with God in every way?  Say 'YES' or 'No' please.  Thank you.

  • Seek

    Hey all. I've been away from the site a long time. I'd spent so many years struggling with what I was being taught in church and what I was feeling inside, that I've spent years studying (still am), Scripture,  religious history, etc. and have come to some realizations that have helped me to stop having this inner struggle and understand Scripture with what I feel is a clearer picture. 

    I've undertaken a project i started years ago writing about what I'm finding. I've attempted to keep it neutral, offering up various beliefs and the facts thus far learned. 

    If interested in reading my articles, they are posted at https://chargfox.wordpress.com/.

    Comments are permitted but no arguments are tolerated. I'm not asking for agreement, just providing information. Some of it will very likely challenge what people believe but Scripture tells us to study to show ourselves approved. 

    Most articles are topics that have split denominations such as baptism, tongues, etc. Some are study material such as Barrabus, Nephalim. 

    Any, I hope you enjoy and learn something. 

  • Seek

    Sorry, but forgot to add, anyone interested in end times/Armageddon/rapture, I have tons of material posted on it. 

    Raised on fire and brimstone preaching, it has always been an interest of mine. I've thrown the preaching aside though and opted for deep study. 

    Not to say all preaching is bad, but Jesus said go and teach the Gospel, the good news of Christ. I feel the church, in general, has sadly been very remiss in this.